Village lunch:
These are held on the first Thursday of each month.
Please book five days in advance by calling Mary Gottlieb 01323 422004.
It’s £10 per head for a sumptuous two course meal including tea or coffee.
Afternoon tea:
These are held on the second Thursday of each month. For residents of East Dean and Friston. Just come along; it costs £3.00.
For further information, please contact Stephanie Carter 01323 422124
Coffee mornings:
These are held on the last Thursday of each month. . For residents of East Dean and Friston. Just come along; it costs £3.00.
For further information, please contact Paul Seeley 01323 422361
The Village market:
Village market every Wednesday 10.30 am –13.00 pm. Locally produced meat, fresh fish, game, fruit & vegetables, home-made pies, bread & cakes, cheeses, oils, plants, books, crafts & coffee shop.
Miranda 07791 609177
Forthcoming events:
Please click here to see our forthcoming events.
Clubs, societies and organisations:
Please click here to see our list of clubs, societies and organisations.
Further details of what is happening at the Hall can be viewed on our Facebook Page.